A "Peace"of Heaven on Earth
Come on Pilgrimage to Medjugorje
and take a Journey of Your Heart​
Medjugorje is an oasis come down from Heaven where wounded hearts can find healing and restoration. Our Heavenly Father has permitted a river of Mercy and Grace to come down from His Heavenly Throne to flow down the hills of Medjugorje through the hands of our Blessed Mother Mary. Anyone who enters into this river will start to feel the peace and love that God desires to give to all His children. Medjugorje is the heart of God beating and calling all His children back home. Respond to the call. Be a part of a new springtime that is on the horizon. For this river will grow and expand throughout all the world. Only with love and through love can this river change the world. Only love and acts of love can truly heal this wounded world.
Medjugorje is the place where we encounter we our own hearts through the Heart of Mary to the Heart of Jesus. Our Pilgrimages centre around the main message of our Mother which is “Conversion of the heart”. Medjugorje is the “School of Love”. Our Blessed Mother teaches us how to love in the right way, how to live in the right way. The 5 Stones She presents to us: Eucharist, Confession, Bible, Rosary, Fasting, bring us down the path that leads to conversion. Her message of peace in our hearts, peace in our families, and peace in the world is her call to all humanity to start living with love and turn back to God. Her first message: “I come to tell you that God exists”, demonstrates that we have gone to far away from the truth. Our Mother is tirelessly calling us back to Her Son Jesus. Millions of people go to Medjugorje each year to experience a way of life that allows us to live the 5 stones everyday with people who are seeking do the same. It starts with confession, which is the fastest way to conversion, that is why Medjugorje is known as the “Confessional of the World”. So many people go to Medjugorje to confess and many vocations have come out of Medjugorje. There are truly no words to explain the incredible experience that awaits us when we go to where our Mother comes each day to earth. Every time you go, it is a different experience, because our Mother is doing something new in us. I encourage you to come to Medjugorje, come and taste what real peace is. Once you go, you will not want to leave there.
Come to Medjugorje and get a glimpse of Heaven here on earth.
Light Of Hope Pilgrimages
Meet Your Pilgrimage Guides
Angela Mazza
Pilgrimage Guide/Organizer
My name is Angela Mazza. I have been
following the messages of Our Lady of
Medjugorje since the very beginning.
Through the years I have learned so much from our Mother through Her messages. I have received physical healing from an incurable disease and so many blessings from Our Mother in Medjugorje. Organizing these pilgrimages is my way to “respond to Her call”. If you have a call to come to Medjugorje, just respond “yes” and our Mother will take care of the rest. Be at Peace!
Juliana/Julie Stojic
Official Tour Guide The Association of Guides for Pilgrims In the Parish of Medjugorje
My name is Juliana Stojic, but most people call me Julie. I have been a guide in Medjugorje for 29 years. My whole family is from Medjugorje which means that I am Croatian but I was born in Canada and lived there up until my 12th year. So I am a native speaker in both English and Croatian. I am related to the oldest visionary Vicka. I look forward to being your guide in Medjugorje. God Bless!